As I look to The Sky
Oil Painting on 18x20” canvas
This piece, like most of my work, starts with an inspiration, or a hint of an idea, and I go from there, but because I allow for mood, subconscious, and other ideas to influence me during my process, the work will take on a life of its own, and I often learn something about myself in the end. Letting the subconscious influence the work adds to the excitement of creating it, and allows the piece to touch on a lot of topics for me.
Next we see the glow of her skin, the sun shining down, and her looking up to the sky. This is something I love to do: go to the park, think of my future and what my goals are, and take stock of the wonderful things I have in my life; That's what her glow means to me, and I want it to represent this “radiance” that shines through and inspires. I want to be that, and leave that legacy behind; To hold my head up high, and be proud of myself, knowing I did my best for my children, and ideally, be an inspiration to them.
Which brings us to the trees in the background. Notice the Four trees that stand outside of the tree line, closest to the girl. They represent the closeness I have with my children, and their importance to me. I'm currently going through a lot emotionally, as my children grow up and move out of the home, making their own roots. There is a sense of loneliness and regret that I'm trying to overcome these days. Even subconsciously, my emotions make their way onto the canvas.
Bringing us to the motion of the sky. I often sit at the park just looking up at the clouds - that's really what started this whole concept for the piece. I wanted the viewer to feel that movement, to get a sense of the wind. Bringing you through the piece.
Lastly, and perhaps the most important message, personally: the bee on her shoulder. The bee represents two parts; first, to save the bees. I've found myself caring more about nature, and how interconnected we are, and bees in particular. If the bees die we die. Secondly, how fragile we are, how time is short, and in a culmination of all I've said, how important it is to live each beautiful day as if it's your last.